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5 Books That Will Help You Ace Your IAS Exam

5 Books That Will Help You Ace Your IAS Exam

When approaching an important exam like IAS, both Prelims and Mains, it’s very important to be updated with what’s going on. Also, to score well, it’s mandatory to refer to some great books, refer to papers of previous years, and most importantly follow toppers of the tribe.

But how many books are too many books? You see, it’s not just about the IAS exam but every other entrance exam that can boost your career, would require you to put in that effort. But when you actually sit down with those too many books you bought based on every other person’s suggestion, you realize that you don’t have the amount of time you need to complete those pile of books that you got yourself and slowly, without you knowing, you fall into the trap of hard work instead of smart work. 

So instead of reading all the materials and mugging up answers, you can rather listen to what the toppers have to say and follow their verdict with adding ways that work just fine for you. 

Now with the IAS exam already being a journey, and having so much on your plate, it can get difficult to keep up with everything all at once. So, we got your back. 

CMA Foundation in Bangalore

Here are 5 books that you can use to ace that IAS exam with ease.


1.Indian Polity

This book is considered as the Holy book for Indian Polity and Constitution. What makes this book everyone’s favourite is it’s way of simplifying its complexities, which means, it simplifies difficult concepts into easy-to-understand- ways which makes it easy to comprehend. 

This book is currently in its 6th edition, and it’s best advised to buy the new edition in case of you have the 5th edition, because it’s always a great idea for aspirants to be updated with their subjects. 

Features and benefits that make this book the best!

  • Layout- Multi-coloured, which makes it super easy to learn and remember the concepts. 
  • Revised and updated chapters- It’s always necessary to be updated with everything that’s happening in and around us and Laxmikanth does exactly that. It updates its edition from time to time so that students don’t have to juggle between different sets of books. 
  • Covers the recent developments in Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
  • Previous years’ questions and practice questions for both Preliminary and Mains Examinations- As mentioned before, this book aims to make things easier for students. Hence, past papers and everything is included already. 
  • 6 New chapters: 
  1. Goods and Services Tax Council 
  2. National Commission for Backward Classes 
  3. National Investigation Agency 
  4. National Disaster Management 
  5. Role of regional parties 
  6. Coalition Government.
Ramesh Singh
Ramesh Singh


This is yet another, one of the famous books, students refer to, when it comes to revising Indian economy. It is very a great book with very lucid explanation. Very easy to comprehend and the best part covers the whole syllabus so that you don’t have to go around referring to10 different books for 10 different topics. 

Features and benefits of this book include:

  1. Updated and revamped: this book is currently in it’s 13th edition which is quite self-explanatory as to how much updated this book is. It covers the entire syllabus till date plus updated current affairs, it also covers Burning Socio- Economic issues, Taxation and Budgeting, Economic survey 2020-21, Union Budget 2021. 
  2. Topics that are to be covered are already listed before the chapter. 
  3. Color-coded: amazing colour combination used to make it interesting for students. It also has adequate spacing between the lines to avoid information overloading. 
  4. MCQs included: MCQs are included to test the knowledge applicability and practice. Answers and explanation provided too for better understanding. 
  5. Facts and Figures included- statistics is a very important aspect of economy which holds great values.
  6. Questions and answers included for ‘Mains’ for better practice. 
  7. Glossary: short glossary included after every chapter and detailed explanation included at the end of the book.


1.Modern India History- Spectrum 

2.Ancient: Tamil Nadu Textbook, 11th grade

3.Medieval: NCERTs 

4.Ancient Culture: Nitin Singhania

The features include:

  • Fully revised edition. Even though there can’t be a lot of changes in History, considering the fact that it’s already in the past, the explanations and way of presenting everything has definitely changed.
  • The material has become more concise and precise.
  • There’s a summary given at the end of the book for better understanding.
  • There’s also chapter overview given in the start of the chapter to give you a brief idea about what are you going to study in the chapter exactly.
  • There’s also a tabular section wherein the important dates and movements are explained.


Base Book of GC, NCERTS, Oxford School Atlas

These would be more than enough to make you ready for your prelims as well as mains. Don’t try to over burden yourself with a lot of reference material, instead pick up those that actually provide you the right source of knowledge. 

5.Science and Technology

Because science and technology is a practical and an evolving field, its best advised to go by current affairs and read newspapers instead of going for textual knowledge. 

And if you still would want to refer to some books, you can opt for Spectrum by Kalpana Ranjan and NCERT

Bonus Tip

Be Curious. That’s what will take you forward. Instead of mugging up everything, get curious, if you find a word whose background is not known to you, go to Google or YouTube and read about it. Curiosity can take you to places where textbooks can’t.

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