The subject is separated into two portions, one for financial management and the other for finance economics. The core element of the exam is Financial Management, which is worth 60 points, and Economics for Finance is worth 40 points.
Start with the chapter’s basic theory and formulas so you can quickly tackle the tougher-level questions.
It is usually preferable, to begin with, the smallest and most straightforward chapters and finish them first. The reason for this is due to the fact that all of the small chapters add up to a significant weighting of marks. For example, leverage, ratios, and so on.
Economics for Finance is straightforward, straightforward, and straightforward. Reading it properly and comprehending the topics will ensure that you receive adequate scores.
General Instructions:
RTPs, MTPs, and QUESTION PAPERS must all be completed without fail. Repeat this process because a few queries will arise immediately from this. This is one of the most crucial suggestions you should follow.
The current RTP asks for about 10-15 marks on the paper. As a result, make sure to completely cover it.
You must solve at least three mock exam papers and the previous three question papers, even if you have not completed your SM and PM. This will assist you when you are seated in the exam room to write and know how to respond to any question.