Brics Academy
Latest : CA foundaiton november 8th at malleswaram, and CA inter bathces from november 4th . Call Now : 9513333267 for Malleswaram
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Education details 12th Percentage Select Percentage50-60%61-70%71-80%81-100%Result awaited Degree Percentage Select Percentage50-60%61-70%71-80%81-100%Result awaitedCourse Joining Select CourseCA FoundationCA InterCA FinalCS EETCS ExecutiveCS ProfessionalCMA FoundationCMA InterCMA Final TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. ICAI, ICSI & ICMAI courses & exam registration is the sole responsibility of student / parent. 2. Admission / cancellation of student enrolment to the academy reserves with the management only. 3. Fee once paid to particular course is non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances 4. Student admission for online / recorded class will have access to all recorded videos for respective exam session only and confirmed to Academy at the time of admission. Access to videos will be disabled automatically post respective exam session. I hereby declare that my personal & education details provided is true and have read the above T&C.
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Select Course * CACSCMADegree(CA/CS/CMA)
Locations * Malleswaram
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